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List of Publications

AI for Cities

Some of the key research work on going is in field of OpenAI, GeoAI and Location intelligence (LI). OpenAI is an important tool for applying AI in cities. GeoAI looks into the geospatial application of AI with use of programs in Python, Knime and others. LI uses AI tools for collecting insights from geospatial data for solving urban problems. It is part of geographical information system (GIS) to provide smart and intelligent solutions. 


1. Prafulla Parlewar, Applying Mobile based Community Participation Model in Smart Cities, Book - Machine Intelligence and Data Analytics for Sustainable Future Smart Cities, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (H Index – 40), 2021


2. Prafulla Parlewar, Platform Capitalism Based Land Management Model for Smart Cities, International Symposium on Spatiotemporal Data Science , Virginia Tech Research Center – Arlington & George Mason Univ. Mason Square, July 22-24, 2024, Jointly organized by Harvard University Centre for Geographic Analysis, and George Mason University.


3. Prafulla Parlewar, Application of OpenAI for Regenerating Imageability of Cities, Presentation at the 2025 Young Scholar Symposium on Spatiotemporal Data Science, Spatial Data Lab, Harvard University, 2025


4. Prafulla Parlewar, Artificial Intelligence infused GIS in Urban and Transport Planning, Invited Presentation by Institute of Town Planners (ITPI), Maharashtra Regional Chapter, West Zone Conference, 7 Nov. 2022


5. Prafulla Parlewar, Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Architecture, Invited Presentation from Council of Architecture (COA), Faculty Development Program (FDP) at MBS School of Planning & Architecture, Dwarka, New Delhi


6. Prafulla Parlewar, OpenAI and Pattern Language: Redevelopment of University Campus in Delhi, The 20th Conference of International Development and Urban Planning, 22 Dec. 2024, City Planning Institute of Japan (CPIJ) and The International Development and Urban Planning Group, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan


7. Prafulla Parlewar, Artificial Intelligence in Urban Planning, Invited Presentation from Council of Architecture (COA), Faculty Development Program (FDP) at DBHCOA College of Architecture, Dwarka, New Delhi, 7 Jan. 2025


8. Prafulla Parlewar, Application of Artificial Intelligence in Rehabilitation of Infrastructure affected by Vibrations, Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering (Under Review)


9. Prafulla Parlewar, Geospatial AI for Cognitive Mapping of Image of City,  Presentation at Spatial Data Lab, Harvard University, 2024


10. Prafulla Parlewar, Platform Capitalism Based Land Management Model for Smart Cities, Journal of Urban Informatics (Under Review)


11. Prafulla Parlewar, Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities, Invited presentation at conference on Urban Planning Capabilities and Connectivity in Himalayan Region, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, 2025


12. Prafulla Parlewar, Application of OpenAI for Regenerating 'Image of City', Webinars on Spatiotemporal Innovation, Feb 12, 2025, Harvard University, USA


13. Manisha Parlewar and Prafulla Parlewar, AI GIS based Public Transportation Model for Smart Cities,  Journal of Institute of Town Planners, India (UGC Journal), 2023


14. Kushaj Thakur and Prafulla Parlewar, Application of GIS ANN Model for Urban Sprawl Management of Shimla, Presentation at Conference on Sustainable Management, Design and Architecture : A path towards Sustainable Development and Innovation Singapore University of Social Sciences, 2025


15. Aditi Shirsagar and Prafulla Parlewar, Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Green Spaces for Energy Conservation: Case Study of Pune, Presentation in Conference on Advances of Sustainable Solutions for Energy Transitions, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, 2024


16. Aditya Maheswari and Prafulla Parlewar, OpenAI and Urban Planning: LULC Prediction, 2nd International Symposium on Generative AI and Education, Malaga, Spain (Under Review)

International Journal Publications

1. Prafulla Parlewar & Yuichi Fukukawa, “ShoreBank’s efforts to apply its banking model to revitalize 71st street in Chicago” - Published in City Planning Institute of Japan (CPIJ), Vol. 43–4, No. 167, 2006. (Journal H Index – 2)


2. Prafulla Parlewar and Yuichi Fukukawa, “Urban regeneration of historic towns: regeneration strategies for Pauni, India”, Published in The Sustainable City IV, Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, Tallinn, Estonia, 2006, WITS press, Vol. IV, page 209 -18 (Journal H Index – 19)


3. Prafulla Parlewar, Rehabilitation of Pipe Bridges for Safer Cities, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology (Under Review) (SCI Journal)

International Conference Publications

1. Prafulla Parlewar, Application of Nagahama Model for Regeneration of Historic Yangon, Myanmar, City Planning Institute of Japan, Toyohashi University, Toyohashi, Japan, 2023


2. Prafulla Parlewar, Application of Kawagoe Model for Regeneration of Merchant Street in Yangon, Myanmar, AMPS - City Tech, New York, New York, USA 2023


3. Prafulla Parlewar & Yuichi Fukukawa, “Regeneration of historic shopping district by community based company, Nagahama, Japan” – 44th IMCL (Making Cities Livable Conferences), by Carmel, California, in Santa Fe New Mexico, USA, 2006    


4. Prafulla Parlewar, Abhay Purohit and Vishal Ramteke, “Traditional urban street, Chitar lane: an approach for sustainable urban regeneration” – Published in 5th ICHH (International Conference on Human Habitat) conference publications by International Association of Human Habitat and hosted by Rizvi College of Architecture, Mumbai, 2003                               

5. Abhay Purohit, Vishal Ramteke and Prafulla Parlewar, “Evaluation of PRA tools as alternative technique for planning humane habitats” – Published in 5th ICHH (International Conference on Humane Habitat) conference publications by International association of Human Habitat and hosted by Rizvi College of Architecture, Mumbai, 2003


6. Prafulla Parlewar and Yuichi Fukukawa, “Recycling traditional heritage in regeneration process: an approach for historic town Pauni” – Conference publication of Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), 2004, page 855 - 856


7. Prafulla Parlewar and Yuichi Fukukawa, “Regenerating inner-city communities: a perspective on traditional craftsmen community in Nagpur” - Conference publication of Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), 2005, page 577 - 578


8. Prafulla Parlewar, Regeneration of Historic Yangon, Myanmar: Historic Buildings in Yangon, 42nd Historic Townscape Regeneration Conference at Kawagoe, Japan, February 2020

National Publications


1. Prafulla Parlewar, “A visual study of Tajmahal and its application for teaching architectural design”, - Seminar paper at Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) program, PCEA, Nagpur, India,  2000 


2. Prafulla Parlewar, Eco-regeneration of Pauni, 2002, National Level Technical Paper Presentation Competition, Saurashtra University and AES Sangli, Maharashtra, India


3. Mansi Singh and Prafulla Parlewar, Conservation of Tribal Heritage: Case of Arunachal Pradesh, National Conference of Architectural and Cultural Cornerstones, Hydrabad, Inidia

Book Chapters

1. Prafulla Parlewar, Applying Mobile based Community Participation Model in Smart Cities, Machine Intelligence and Data Analytics for Sustainable Futrue Smart Cities, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (H Index – 40), 2021


2. Prafulla Parlewar and Yuichi Fukukawa, Application of Chicago’s ShoreBanks Banking Model for Regeneration of Cities, Language – Japanese,  Quarterly Machizukuri (Town Planning), No. 14, page 58 -63, 2006


3. Yuichi Fukukawa and Prafulla Parlewar, Ron Grzywinski - Community Banker (Chairman) of ShoreBank, Chicago, Language – Japanese,  Quarterly Machizukuri (Town Planning) Book, No. 14, page 64 -67, 2006


4. Prafulla Parlewar, Rehabilitation of Residential Complex at K. G. Marg, New Delhi, India, Published in Building Pathology and Rehabilitation Edition: Vol. 13, Chapter: 1, Publisher: Springer, page 1-15, 2021


5. Prafulla Parlewar, Rehabilitation of Historic Chancery Building, Yangon, Myanmar, Published in Building Pathology and Rehabilitation Edition: Vol. 13, Chapter: 3, Publisher: Springer, page 39-58, 2021


6. Prafulla Parlewar, Prince of Wales Musuem: Revitalization of European Painting Store, Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, Vol. 15, 2020, Chapter: 1, Publisher: Springer,  page 1-12, 2021


7. Prafulla Parlewar, Application of NDT for installation of Roof Top Solar Power Plants, Published in Conceret Structures, Publisher: Springer, 2021


8. Prafulla Parlewar, Design of Blast Resistant Buildings, Building Rehabilitation and Design, Springer, 2021


9. Prafulla Parlewar, Making Safer Cities from Damaged Foot-over-bridges, Concrete Structures, Building Pathologies and Acoustic Perfromance, Springer, 2021


10. Prafulla Parlewar, Appliction of Blast Resistant Design Model for Safer Cities, Building Rehabilitation and Design, Springer, 2021


11. Prafulla Parlewar, Design of Facade of Blast Resistant Building, Design of Concrete Structures, Springer, 2021


12. Prafulla Parlewar, Application of Geometric Patterns in Architectural Design Process, Springer, 2021


13. Prafulla Parlewar, Application of Indo-Saracenic Style in Architectural Design Process, Building Rehabilitation and Sustainable Construction, Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Springer, 2022


14. Prafulla Parlewar, Design Structure for Steam Turbine Generator, Building Rehabilitation and Sustainable Construction, Building Pathologies and Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Springer, 2022


15. Prafulla Parlewar, Application of Hazardous Waste Management Model for Sustainable Cities, Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, Vol. 26, Springer, 2022 


16. Prafulla Parlewar, Application of Artificial Intelligence for Rehabilitation of Historic Chancery Building, Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, Vol. 26, Springer, 2022 (Under Submission)


17. Prafulla Parlewar, Machine Learning and Image Processing for Building Rehabilitation, Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, Vol. 26, Springer, 2022 (Under Submission)

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